Welcome to our website

The Freedom Center  strives to be a place where the unchurched, the "re"churched &  the "hurt" churched all feel welcome to come in, be free to get to know Jesus for themselves, without fear of judgement!

A place where outreach & worship is
"outside the box"

John 8:32 (KJV)
"And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free

We live our vision every day by being THAT place..... 

A place of TRUTH

A place of FREEDOM

A place equipping you to make CHANGES to your world!!

Our Mission

The Freedom Center is meant to be a place of freedom and truth that empowers individuals to change their personal lives, which in turn affects the community as a whole.

Where are we??

We try to be out in the community as much as possible; however, we recognize a need to assemble as well.

Starting JANUARY 2025, we will be meeting at
801 N. West St., Wilmington, DE
for in-person midweek Bible Study! 

We like to call it, F.I.T. Class, because we teach:
Freedom Innovation Techniques
offering practical teaching techniques for Life & Living

Join us EVERY 2nd & 4th Wednesdays from 7:15 - 8:30 pm

We are in the process of restructuring, and your patience is appreciated.

We recognize that ministry NEVER stops though, so if you need us, please call 302-494-9907 and we will do our best to serve you.

Are you new to the area or new to the kingdom completely??

Don't know what to expect??

We are definitely NOT church 'as usual'! 

We are a Kingdom - Minded Outreach Center that worships 
"outside the box!"

We focus on
Freedom & Kingdom principles

What you can expect