Welcome to our website
The Freedom Center strives to be a place where the unchurched, the "re"churched & the "hurt" churched all feel welcome to come in, be free to get to know Jesus for themselves, without fear of judgement!
A place where outreach & worship is
"outside the box"
John 8:32 (KJV)
"And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free"
We live our vision every day by being THAT place.....
A place of TRUTH
A place of FREEDOM
A place equipping you to make CHANGES to your world!!
Our Mission
The Freedom Center is meant to be a place of freedom and truth that empowers individuals to change their personal lives, which in turn affects the community as a whole.
Where are we??
We try to be out in the community as much as possible; however, we recognize a need to assemble as well.
Starting JANUARY 2025, we will be meeting at
801 N. West St., Wilmington, DE
for in-person midweek Bible Study!
We like to call it, F.I.T. Class, because we teach:
Freedom Innovation Techniques
offering practical teaching techniques for Life & Living
Join us EVERY 2nd & 4th Wednesdays from 7:15 - 8:30 pm
We are in the process of restructuring, and your patience is appreciated.
We recognize that ministry NEVER stops though, so if you need us, please call 302-494-9907 and we will do our best to serve you.