The Freedom Center is on YouTube!!

Besides our LIVE interactive F.I.T. Classes EVERY Wednesday Night,

some of Pastor Angie's previously preached sermons are available for viewing, here & more on our YouTube channel.   Just go to TFC Delaware and log on for the latest!

Keep The Change

A "snippet" of Pastor Angie preaching at Incorruptible Seed Worship Center - Wilmington DE in July 2013 ​
​​​​ (Apostle Leonette Davis Collins)

Stop Wrestling with Pigs

Pastor Angie in the "early" stages of Breaker Ministries International. The church she formerly Pastored from 2012 - 2015.

Deliverance is Available to You

Pastor Angie in the  "first service"  of Breaker Ministries International. The church she formerly Pastored from 2012 - 2015. ​​​​​​​

Armor of God
(Platform Srvc.)

Pastor Angie of THEN Breaker Ministries, ministering on the Armor of God at Greater Hope Christian Fellowship Church, Wilmington DE
(Pastor Allen Jones)